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3 Cloud-Based Computing Models That Will Revolutionize Your Business

3 Cloud-Based Computing Models That Will Revolutionize Your Business

September 25, 2024

Cloud computing is one of the most powerful technologies that has emerged over the past few decades. It has shifted how individuals and companies access resources, manage data, and store information. With the opportunities to scale online vastly expanding, businesses that want to make the most of their technology can turn to the cloud to save money and improve operations.

Options for Cloud Infrastructure

One core opportunity for businesses is Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS.

IaaS offers virtual computing resources through the Internet, including virtual machines, storage, and networking. Companies no longer have to own the physical hardware to host these expensive assets. Instead, they can use the Internet to scale, balance loads, and recover from disasters.

And let’s be honest—you’re already paying for the Internet, so you can push the value proposition further with IaaS.

Applications Hosted in the Cloud

All businesses require software to function, and that’s where Software as a Service comes into play.

With SaaS, you don’t have to install software or maintain the solutions on all your endpoints. Instead, you just log into a web interface and take advantage of the many types of software solutions on the market. Whether you need a CRM, project management tools, or a collaboration platform, cloud computing has it all.

Furthermore, SaaS applications will always have the latest versions of these applications—no maintenance required—so you can be confident that they are efficient and secure.

Computing… without the Servers

Function as a Service, or FaaS, is a somewhat recent addition to the cloud model that caters to developers.

In essence, developers won’t have to worry about managing servers while they go about their coding work. They can instead write code, deploy it, and let the cloud take care of the rest. Businesses only need to pay for the resources they use, so it’s efficient on all fronts… cost included.

Serverless platforms like this also give your business the power to automatically scale and adjust its infrastructure as needed, significantly reducing costs.

To learn more about how your business can leverage cloud-based models for scaling and growth, call First Column IT today at (571) 470-5594.

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September 25, 2024
3 Cloud-Based Computing Models That Will Revolutionize Your Business
Cloud computing is one of the most powerful technologies that has emerged over the past few decades. It has shifted how individuals and companies access resources, manage data, and store information. With the opportunities to scale online vastly expanding, businesses that want to make the most of their technology can turn to the cloud to save money and improve operations.
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