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Automation Is a Vital Part of Running a Modern Business

Automation Is a Vital Part of Running a Modern Business

April 24, 2023

Automation continues to play a major role in business operations, but some companies have more trouble than others with implementation. Most businesses just don’t think out their strategy before implementing it, so we wanted to bring to your attention what businesses tend to automate, as well as the tools used to do so.

What Do Businesses Tend to Automate?

Businesses will generally assign people to perform tasks that they think are in the company’s best interest, but the act of automation allows businesses to have these same tasks carried out by technology, thus freeing the human resources of a business to spend their efforts elsewhere. Automation is introduced into an infrastructure in an attempt to automate time-consuming tasks and allow employees to spend more time on tasks that better the company in other ways, like creating better products or better experiences.

Let’s go over some of the ways that businesses automate processes:


Businesses want to make sure their products are seen by potential customers. To this end, marketing uses automation for several tasks:

  • Social media posts: Social media helps businesses connect with potential customers and advertise their products. This is made easier through automation. The right content management system can push content to social media platforms when it is published, allowing companies to remove steps from the equation and post more frequently.
  • Website traffic analysis: Google Analytics is a great tool that can help you with automated traffic analysis that gets delivered to the ones who need the reports the most. This keeps people from spending too much time fixating on data when they can instead be working on something else.
  • E-commerce or event registration: Automation tools that can send information through email, like event information, products, services, or offerings, are extremely helpful for connecting with users. The right automation service can contact countless consumers at once, making your life much easier as a result.


Finance is imperative for any business to stay operational, so you can take advantage of these two technologies to make it much easier and more efficient to manage:

  • Payroll: Payroll can be expensive and time-consuming, but with automated tools, you can take payroll away from HR while making sure that everyone gets paid on time.
  • Accounts receivable: Businesses that want to make sure they get paid on time (at least most of the time) will want to have an automated invoice system that can notify users when they have a bill due or an outstanding balance.


Automation also makes running a business easier than ever, including the following administrative tasks:

  • Data backup: Having data backups is crucial to your business’ longevity, and a modern BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery) device will allow you to streamline the process, from backup to restoration.
  • Email management: If your staff get too many emails and are exhausted from managing them all, you can set up automated filters and folders to help them stay ahead of it all.
  • Task management: Platforms that automatically track time spent on tasks and scheduling can be remarkably helpful for companies that want to streamline processes.

First Column IT can equip your business with all the tools it needs to succeed. To learn more, call us today at (571) 470-5594.

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